Thursday, August 9, 2012

Control your Android and iPhone through Laptop or Desktop

Control your Android and iPhone through Laptop or Desktop 

Problem Statement :-In Mobile applications testing, purchasing a cloud based solutions is costly. It also involves some security constraints as you are using the devices which are shared with other unknown users. 

Solution :- If you have limited set of devices with you at one location and your testing team is distributed across differant locations then you can put your devices on cloud without heavy investment. 

Before implementing this solution in your project, please verify on compliance, copyright laws and blah jailbreaking and rooting of devices is required to achieve this. 

Lets see how to achieve this - Basic idea is to convert your Android or iPhone in to VNC Server. 

Procedure for Android Device:- 
1.Pre-requiste for this is, your Android phone must be rooted. Rooting is the procedure by which you get super user access to your phone. Android is based on Linux kernal, though its open source operating system it doesnt allow to access its file system structure. 
2.On rooted android device, open Google play store. Install the VNC Server app on it. 
3.Install the VNC client on your machine. You can use any VNC Client, prefer realVNC.
4.Connect your Android phone and desktop / laptop (from which you want to control) to the Wi Fi network. 
5.Launch the VNC Server app on your rooted android phone. Note the IP address shown. 
6.Enter the IP address in VNC Client, accept the connection on phone. 

Procedure for iPhone :- 

1.Pre -requiste for this is, your Apple phone must be jailbroken. Jailbroken allowes you to install non App stores (not approved from Apple)items to install on your iPhone. Jailbroken Video is available on Youtube. 

2.On jailbroken iPhone, open Cydia. (Cydia is app store of jailbroken iPhone). Install Veency. 
3. Install the VNC client on your machine. You can use any VNC Client, prefer realVNC. 
4.Connect your i-Phone and desktop / laptop (from which you want to control) to the Wi Fi network. 
5.Launch the VNC Server app on your jailbroken i-Phone. Note the IP address shown. 
6.Enter the IP address in VNC Client, accept the connection on phone. 

      YOU HAVE DONE IT!!!!!!!! Access your all phone features from desktop....